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Register Now: The Dynamic Integrated Professional 

  • Introspective Family Therapy 3139 North Lincoln Avenue Chicago, IL, 60657 United States (map)

Wednesdays starting April 23rd, from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM 
In-Person at Introspective’s Lakeview Office  
Limited spots available, register today! 

Calling all healing professionals! Are you a therapist, divorce mediator, or someone who supports families in conflict? This five-week course is designed for you. Learn to create peace in yourself, your clients, and your team — all by mastering your inner navigation system and tapping into your true purpose. 

Does this sound familiar? 

You’re a helper who got into this work to help bring peace where there is conflict. But sometimes the conflict you’re stepping into every day comes home with you.

  • You’re taking on the emotional load of your clients, and you feel responsible for their feelings 

  • You feel burned out, deflated, defeated, or unappreciated for all that you give 

  • You don’t have enough clients—either because you have no emotional space or your clients aren’t referring you 

  • You’re not attracting the type of clients you want to work with 

  • You’re exhausted by a constant pressure to prove yourself, and never feel like your authentic self 

Explore a new way of being in business 

Over the course of five weeks, we’ll work together to help you reconnect with your desire to be a peacemaker and help others resolve conflict—without fighting or wasting time in court. 

The benefits you’ll gain from our time together include: 

  • Confidence that you’re making a difference while feeling deeply peaceful inside 

  • Abundance of space for new clients, with frequent referrals 

  • Clear sense of purpose that nothing can sway you from 

  • Excitement and joy to start each day 

  • Deep connection with what’s most important to you 

  • Support from others who want the same things 

  • Watching your business take flight!  

Meet your Support Team

Anviksha Kalscheur 
Anviksha came to family therapy through her gift of understanding and holding all parts of a system while maintaining a harmonious whole. Today, she’s at the cutting-edge of family therapy: leading Introspective's groundbreaking collaborative approach and pioneering energy mapping. She draws in professionals that are passionate about their work and provide exceptional care to all families.

Patrick Kalscheur 
Patrick was drawn to family law out of a desire to help families navigating conflict find healing. His gift is identifying how each family member is feeling and helping them speak their truth authentically so others can hear them clearly. This opens the doorway to peaceful resolutions. Patrick enjoys sharing meditation and visualization exercises with other professionals to help them create their dream practices.

This year, Anviksha and Patrick have joined forces to support business owners and service professionals in reconnecting to their purpose and attracting the right collaborators to shape peaceful resolutions for families.

Program Features

Five weeks of two-hour in-person sessions with Anviksha and Patrick

  • Session 1: Aligning with Your Purpose 

  • Session 2: Discovering Your Core Values 

  • Session 3: Communicating Boundaries 

  • Session 4: Mirroring Your Parallel Process 

  • Session 5: Creating Your World 

Each “Dynamic Zone” session includes: 

  • 15-minute teaching and experience 

  • Sharing and coaching from the experience 

  • 2-3 Individual Dynamic Discovery Intensives 

  • Learning from the experiences of others 

Investment for the course: $997 

Register before March 6th, and receive a bonus 45-minute coaching session with Anviksha and Patrick to explore the dynamics of your current business and outline top opportunities for greater peace and profit! ($697 value)